Saturday, June 4, 2016

Women & Porn

1 John 5:21, "Dear children, keep away from anything that might take God's place in your hearts."
Women & Porn
Well, I have a somewhat taboo subject today. But, I am doing what God is leading. I woke up with this on my heart, then He confirmed it through my Christine Caine devotional as well. (Which I will share a part of.)
Pornography is a very bad thing in our society. Many people feel it's harmless. They think watching other people engage in sexual acts doesn't affect wrong are they.
The church has been quiet for years about this subject. People are just now becoming more bold and really bringing it up instead of sweeping it under the rug. I think the reason for that is that SO many people have viewed the stuff. I remember years ago, when I worked at a different church, one of my male co-workers saying, "Jill, every guy I know as looked at it. Every guy. Think about all of the men you and I both know."
I want to tell you what porn does to a woman. It rips her insides out. It cuts to her core.
I'm sure you are shocked by that statement and asking how is that possible. It's innocent, you think, just watching other people.
Here is why: many men have chosen it over their wife. When that happens, the woman does not feel good enough for her husband. In her mind, she thinks maybe she's not pleasing him, so he's got to look elsewhere.
Not to mention, the women in these things are beautiful. They are skinny with good bodies, something the wife doesn't have. So her self esteem is wrecked.
Women, let me tell you one thing. Most, if not all, of those women are on drugs or alcohol just to get through the shoots. There is a woman who came out of the pornography industry and has been open about what she experienced. Her name is Shelly Lubben, you can find her ministry here:
That reality can also hurt a woman. Why is my husband choosing fake women over me?
Well, he might actually have an addiction to it. Did you know they've done MRI's on the brains of both drug addicts and men who view porn and they look exactly the same?
So, let me tell you a few things.
1. If your husband is viewing porn, it's not about you at all. You could be his perfect match, how you look, how you love him, etc. If he's got an issue, he's going to have an issue and it has nothing to do with you.
2.  Your value does not come from any human being. God made you to be a masterpiece. You are fearfully and wonderfully made. You have a plan and purpose.
3. You can not be the Holy Spirit for anyone. Believe me, I tried. God is the only person who can convince someone that what they are doing goes against how He wants them to live.
4. You've got to retrain your brain. What someone else's porn use does to a woman is horrible. However, you can be repaired and renewed. I promise.
We are having a training time for leaders this weekend at my church. The guest speaker talked about our identity last night. He said "You live how you see yourself."
So, if you see yourself as an ugly, fat, dumb woman, that's how you'll live. The Bible is FULL of God's promises and feelings for us. That's what we need to anchor ourselves in. What He thinks about us is what's important. Therefore, retraining our brains with the truth will set us free.
In my "Living Life Undaunted" devotional this morning, Christine Caine talked about our trains of thought.
"While I was learning to renew my mind, I discovered that many of the trains of thought I had at that time about God, the people around me, myself, and my destiny were completely contrary to what God thinks. They were built on my experience rather than the truth of God's Word. I knew I had to consciously choose what thoughts I would allow to pull into the platform of my mind.
Each time a train of thought contrary to the Word of God pulled into the platform of my mind, I would choose not to get on board. Instead, I would purposefully board trains of thought that would take me to the right destination.
This is why it's so important to read and meditate on the Word of God. If we don't know what thoughts are contrary to God's, how will we ever know what trains to avoid?"
Let me take this step a further too.We have an enemy, and he loves nothing more than to bring us to our knees. If we are constantly fighting for our self esteem, trying to comfort ourselves because of the man in our lives issues, or trying to make him stop, Satan has us right where he wants us.
Do you know why? Because we aren't focused on God!
If we are always protecting ourselves, we aren't letting Him protect us nor are we focused on our relationship with Him.
Psalm 18: 30 says, "God's way is perfect. All the LORD's promises prove true. He is a shield for all who look to Him for protection."
So, what God thinks about you is right, He promises to love you forever, and He will protect you. There are many many more promises of God though. This is just a small glimpse.
Retrain your brain, stop believing the lies you are hearing in your ear. You are beautiful. You are worth it. You have value.
When you get depressed and listen to the lies, you stay away from God because you don't feel worthy. STOP THAT!!
Our guest speaker, Tim Bittle said, "Never stay away from the presence of God, it is the only that that will change you!"
Do not allow this junk to get you down. Let God's presence change you. You are amazing.
God bless you today and always.

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