Monday, May 16, 2016

Small Steps

"Who dares to despise the day of small things?" Zechariah 4:10
Scott Cuzzo's Journal
I am writing today from a couple of inspirational things... one is my Christine Caine devotional book and the other is my friend Scott Cuzzo.
Scott is a wizard with art! He has created a company called Spry Mind. You can find him here: He is a fantastic artist! At Launch Out, he presented a video he'd made. This was no ordinary video either, it was a still frame one. He cut out, drew, and placed each piece, took the pictures, then created the video. I tried to find it to post here, but couldn't.
Scott, Jessica, Me
Scott Cuzzo, Jessica, and Me
Anyway... stay with me.. small steps..
Scott said, "Dreams make you feel good, until they go stale. Here is a list of things to do to help you. 
  1. Brain dump: write down all of the ideas you have, don't self edit
  2. Now evaluate, edit, sort through each idea, push the good ones to the top.
  3. List: write down what it will take to make that idea come to life
  4. Get a strategy together: plan things, get a mentor to help, announce a launch date for accountability, commit or you will quit. 
Small steps add up when you are trying to do big things."
Christine Caine said, "We should not despise the seemingly insignificant things we are doing, for they may turn out to be the very things God is using to prepare, train, and shape us for what we will be doing for Him in the future. If we are faithful in the small things God has given us to do, He will be able to trust us with bigger things down the road. Everything that is now big was once small"
Our mistake sometimes in life is we don't take small steps. God has a plan, but we run and do things our way. I have done this in my life for sure. In some areas, I've learned my lessons and stopped making those mistakes, others, I still struggle with.
I want to be faithful in the small things so that God will bless me with the bigger things. For example, to be completely honest, I keep messing up my finances. There I said it. I am not honoring God correctly with HIS money. It's stupid. I'm 42 years old. If I can't handle this small income I have, what makes me think God will let me be a New York Times Best Selling Writer? I would have a lot of money if I were..but I need to learn how to handle the small income I have before He can bless me with a ton as a NYT best selling writer. 
We all have something we struggle with. But if we take small steps towards the goals, whether it's our dreams, or whatever God has instructed us to do, we will come out better off doing it His way. 
What do you need to take small steps with? If you need prayer, I'm here.
God bless you today and always.

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