Monday, May 2, 2016

Holding On To Hope

"Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a longing fulfilled is the tree of life." Proverbs 13:12
Feeling like you've lost hope is one of the worst feelings ever. I believe that's why some people take their own lives. They feel utterly hopeless. We always have hope though. Because God is always there.
Cha Barefield spoke at Launch Out and it was her first time on a stage. (So she says. She had us all fooled.) She was really awesome!IMG_2548
She told a story from her past about her husband being sick, her hair falling out, and the fact that with her education she found herself working at a grocery store. All of her hope was gone. 
Cha said, "It's hard to find hope because you feel weak and not capable of making changes. However, the only thing that brings about change is action."
Also, this really hit me, "It's hard to hold on to hope when you don't think you deserve it."
How many people feel this way? They don't believe they deserve hope, or happiness. God wants everyone to have hope! 
You are on this planet for a purpose. God put you here and you deserve hope, happiness, and life abundant! 
Here are a few more awesome things Cha said:
  • Hope is created uniquely for human beings. Everything is created on the back of hope.
  • How do you hold onto hope when life is hard? 1. Remember she's there. And she's not going anywhere. 2. She is yours - its your birthright.
  • It's hard to believe in hope because it is led by emotions. SHIFT your emotions. SHIFT what you think about.
  • Our emotions, our thoughts create a wonderful environment. Don't let the negative thoughts over power your goals and dreams.
I can't remember if Cha said this, or if it's a quote but it is so profound: "I don't mind getting old, but dying young is the other option and I don't want to do that."
In order to shift your thoughts and emotions, start reading the Bible and replacing your negative thoughts with positive ones. Realize the truth of who you are, and Who's you are. You are a dearly loved child of the Most High King. And, you have HOPE!IMG_2689
You have hope in Christ! He is the hope of the world. He came to give you life and life to the fullest!
Satan tries to steal our hope, by stealing our joy and robbing us of things. Can I just tell you that kick his butt to the curb?
Fight him with Scripture. Tell him to leave you alone in Jesus name.
Talk to someone if you are feeling hopeless. PLEASE! You do have hope. God is there and gives you the hope you need to make it through the rough times. He has placed the right people in your life to help you find that hope again. Open up to them and let them help you through it. OK?
God bless you today and always.

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