Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Faith Driven Success

Romans 12:2, "Do not be confirmed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good, acceptable, and perfect."
Faith Driven Success
Isabel Hundt is a wife, mom, coach, author and more. She has a book called "The Power of Faith Driving Success". You can find her at Faith Driven Success
I missed the first few points of her talk so she graciously sent me her notes. I really enjoyed what she said, and wanted to share it.
"Dr. Bruce Lipton, former professor of medicine at Stanford University has been part of a research that discovered and confirmed that who you are and how our cells in our body is established, all depends on how our mind perceives and interprets our environment and everything that is happening to us. 
- Your conscious mind has the will to move you where you want to go while your subconscious mind has the power to create your path in life
- Your subconscious mind functions separately and independently from your conscious mind
- Your conscious mind is responsible for only 1-5% of your conscious experience, the rest is driven by your subconscious mind

1) Mindfulness: conscious practice of being aware of our own mental state, emotions and thoughts

2) Choice: you have to make clear choices and decisions, otherwise your subconscious mind will make those for you according to your imprinted programs that are mostly false, harmful to who you are, work against you.

3) Intention: driving force of creation; creating your path with purpose; your success in life will depend on your daily, weekly and yearly intentions you are setting for yourself
4) Focus: focus on you goals
5) Repetition: do whatever it is repeatedly
6) Emotions: are the strongest imprint on your life. Acknowledge what you feel instead of fighting or ignoring it. Fully embrace the emotions then you can create an environment for success.
7) Belief: If you want to it, you have to believe it. It's the deciding factor in being successful. When you have faith, you tap into the super power within you.
"You will never get anywhere physically if you don't get there emotionally." I believe this! It's mind over matter. I would not be losing inches right now, if I had not of emotionally decided to do whatever it takes even if I don't get the exact results I want.
"Relearn what it means to connect." I fully agree with this statement. Even with the internet, and how connected we are, face to face is so much better.
"By changing your attitude you are changing your whole cellar part of your body!"
"Do you really believe you can do it?"
What are you wanting to succeed at right now life? Reading your Bible more? Losing weight? Praying more? Starting a business? Working from home? Writing a book? Starting a podcast? Telling others about Jesus?
Whatever it is you feel called to do..whatever you are passionate about, take these steps. Learn to put them in place and allow God to use you for His honor and glory.
He loves you, and He wants you to succeed at whatever He's called you to do!
God bless you today and always.

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