Thursday, December 31, 2015

My Book Is LIVE!!!!

I am excited and proud to announce, that I finally obeyed God's leading and put together a book!!

This is a 60 day devotional that are blog posts I compiled. It's just casual conversations about life. You might have already read a few of them....

BUT don't let that stop you from getting the book. Because there is a challenge at the end of each day. Something that I hope will make a small difference in your life.

Link To Amazon

You can buy a print book or download a Kindle one. 

I hope that you will consider adding this to your daily quiet time with God. If you don't already have a daily time, maybe reading this for 60 days straight will help you establish that time with Him.

For me, when I don't have my time in the morning, my day is just "off" feeling. You don't have to get up early like I do, but figure out when you are most awake and can meditate on Him and His Word.

Let me just say this too... do you have a dream? Something you've always wanted to do or felt led to do, but you kept putting it off?

In 2000, before Facebook, people used to chat on Yahoo Chat. I met a man on there name Jay. We were both married, so it wasn't anything weird. We are also both Christians, so we connected spiritually. I was thinking of writing a children's book at the time. Since I had 2 miscarriages before my children were born, I thought about making a book for kids that were old enough to understand, miscarriage if they mom lost a baby.

Jay said "I see words jumping off of pages ministering to people."

Well, it took 15 years.. but it's happened. And that is EXACTLY what I want my book to do. Minister to you! I want to help you.

My friend Catherine can help you too. Do you have a dream but just don't think it will ever come true? OR, like me, where you stuck? I talked with Catherine in July. She helped me form a plan to finish my book, but I managed to let fear hold me down.

Go to and talk to Catherine! She can help you get unstuck and punch fear in the face!
Thank you to everyone who reads my blog. Thank you in advance for those of you who will buy my book. It's such a humbling thing!!

God bless you today and always.

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