Friday, May 8, 2015

First World Troubles

Yesterday was a pretty rough day for me.

It started off with my computer at work being funky...and went down hill from there.

Thursdays are my busiest days. I have to print their worship guides for Sunday, a new prayer and ministry guide, the tech sheets for that Sunday's tech team (they live stream on TV every Sunday morning, so it's almost a production every week), and many other things.

I ended up crying at one point.

Then, I wake up today to read my Jesus Calling devotional book and am reminded to take heart when I have trouble. Jesus said we would have trouble. These are the first few

"Do not long for the absence of problems in your life. That is an unrealistic goal since in this world you will have trouble. You have an eternity of problem-free living reserved for you in heaven." 

Smack! Hit me right in the face!

God will and does always work things out in the end. It might not be like we wanted it. It might not be how we imagined it. It might not even be the exact outcome we were hoping for. BUT.. He is faithful and just. He has a plan for our lives, and He loves us unconditionally.

I know when you are in the midst of trouble, it doesn't seem like it will end. However, I am living proof that trouble does come to an end. And you have a Heavenly Father who is on your side cheering you on to the finish line!

He will never leave or forsake us.

He will not give up when the going gets tough.

He will love and walk with us through the good, bad, and the ugly.

Because He's just awesome like that.

When you are feeling overwhelmed and upset, pray. He will come through. I promise.

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