Monday, May 11, 2015

Are you in a valley?

Valleys suck.

They are not fun.

They are dark, gloomy, and lonely.

HOWEVER, we have a loving Heavenly Father who will see us through.

Yesterday, my Pastor taught on this. Yes, it was Mother's Day. And no, he didn't just teach a sappy message about moms. He actually talked a good bit about people who want to become moms but it's just not happening for one reason or another.

Life throws us curve balls sometimes.

When you are in a valley, it's a great thing to remember that Jesus is with you and you do have HOPE!

Here are the top three points:

1 .Valleys are inevitable - Jesus said you will have trouble in this world, but take heart, because He has overcome the world. David walked through the valley of the shadow of death, but did not fear evil because God was with him. God is with us too.

2. Valleys are unpredictable - Nothing bad happens at a good time. Like you don't get a flat tire on your day off from work. You just never know when a valley will happen.

3. Valleys are impartial - EVERYONE has hard times. Good and bad people.

The great thing is.. you do NOT stay in the valley. You go through it!

I am a very optimistic person. However, I am not the type to think that a human being will fix all of life's problems. I realize that only God can handle something that huge. And even then, even living as a Christian, doesn't mean that you won't have trouble. Because you will. We all do. 

Jason said, "Hope comes because God's love has been poured into our hearts."

If you have lost hope... please ask for prayer and go read your Bible. There are so many people who went through horrible times but they made it! God is there. He loves you so much and He will never leave you. I promise.

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