Saturday, March 14, 2015

Just how far would you go to obey God?

This is my friend Miriam. We have known each other from some of the groups I am in Facebook. She just stayed over last night and I MUST tell her story.

Part of my Jesus Calling devotional this morning goes perfect with what I'm about to tell you. I will share it first:

"Sometimes the relationship I offer you seems too good to be true. I pour My very Life into you, and all you have to do is receive Me. In a world characterized by working and taking, the admonition to rest and receive seems too easy. There is a close connection between receiving and believing: As you trust Me more and more, you are able to receive Me and My blessings abundantly. Be still, and know that I am God."

Miriam went to ministry school. She helped start a church and worked there for 6 years. When things didn't turn out like she thought they would, she began praying. She worked two jobs, and in 10 months paid off $24,000 of debt. That takes determination!

After that huge feat, she prayed. "Ok, God, what do you want me to do now?"

He said, "Go."

It was almost like an Abraham experience.

Miriam is very passionate about human trafficing. She wants to help rescue people from that. So, she got out a map to see where her friends lived in each state so she could go and serve. What ended up happening was nothing short of a miracle.

She said that she is just following God and came up with going to all 50 states before she turns 30. She saved her money, sold everything she had, and packed up her car.

Now, she waits for God's leading and does what He says. Even down to asking people if she can sleep at their house. She's had many times of sleeping in her car. When she feels God tell her to ask someone, she doesn't like it. She hates asking for help and it pushes her out of her comfort zone, but she is being obedient and does it anyway. She believes that God has a purpose and a plan for her spending time with whoever He has spoken to her to ask. All I can say is "WOW!"

Am I that obedient? Do I really listen for God and do and go where He tells me to? Probably not as much as I should. I like my comfort zone. Don't you?

Miriam said she feels so close to God right now. She is fully relying on Him.

How amazing is that?

How far would you go to obey Him?

She's going to all 50 states!

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