Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Stop missing opportunities!

My Pastor was out of town Sunday and our Wednesday night teacher, Mrs. Laurel brought us a message. We are still talking about ignoring Jesus. In Matthew 25:14-30, Jesus told a parable about 3 workers. Their boss was leaving and he gave 1 dude 5 bags of gold, second dude got 2 bags, and the 3rd dude got 1 bag. These were according to their "abilities". Then he went out of town. When he got back, the 1st and 2nd dudes had used the money wisely and increased it. The last guy was scared of the boss so he buried his. The boss wasn't pleased at all with the last guy. If he couldn't use what he was given, then he didn't need to have it.

This really is about the opportunities we have to use our skills and talents. You were born with skills and talents. They are gifts to you.

God wants us to use those gifts and talents and take the opportunity to honor and glorify Him with them. You also have gifts from the Holy Spirit, but that's another blog post.

What I want you to see is that you are good at something.

And that "something" can be used to help other people.

A while back I posted about Barbara and Reggie following their dream to open a Zumba studio. They started off borrowing the warehouse in an air conditioning company to see how things would go. Now, they are SUPER close to their own studio! We had a class there last night. The only other time I've seen Reggie so excited was when he married Barbara. He was pumped! The fact that the room was full and we were loud when we clapped or yelled just thrilled him. His dream is coming true. But it's not just HIS dream. After class he said, "This place is for you all too." He doesn't do Zumba for himself. He could do that at home. He does Zumba because he wants others to exercise. He's using his talents to help us.

Have you ever watched someone else's dream come true?

I was fighting back tears last night.

I could SEE it in his eyes. Barbara and Reggie have worked so hard, faced adversity and punched fear in the face to make their dream come true.

I have done everything possible to help them. I will be planning the grand opening party for them. I'm good at planning events. So, I'm using my skills for them, just like they've used their's for me.

Are you missing opportunities to help people with your skills and talents? Have you dug a hole and buried them instead of using them the way God intended for you to?

Stop it.

Follow your heart.

Do what God has called you to do. You will not regret it!

Barbara, Reggie and me

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