Monday, November 3, 2014

Lessons from children's ministry

I used to help out in my church's children's ministry. I think I worked about once a month or so. It is not an area I am gifted in. I have been very involved in other ministries, so I backed out of that one. Yesterday though, they needed help. So I stayed and volunteered during second service. It was a situation of God helping me, and I was grateful, but then He spoke to me so loudly that I was moved and need to share.

The place I serve is the "Pre-K room". Some of the kids are actually in Kindergarten I think. They are all about 4- 6 years old.

We watched a video lesson, then they sat at the tables for the coloring sheet. The lesson was on Hosea, which is a tough one for this age. God told him to marry a prostitute, to which I was NOT about to explain what that was to little kids! LOL The video told them that God told him to marry someone who would not fully love him. (I related to that pretty well.) The main point I pulled out of the lesson is what I used for them. 

"God loves you no matter what."

It was funny to me, because I write my blog about this a lot. I want people to know that truth. Then, here is was in a kids lesson!

We always have a little snack during the class. One cute little blonde girl, got up and asked if she could help pass out the snacks. I told her she could. She gave everyone a paper towel. Another girl asked to help too. She helped with the crackers.

Then God spoke softly to my heart, "See, they like to serve. I've already gifted them." I was floored! I almost teared up... I mean, God was helping me by letting me stay in there, but yet, He was speaking to me and had a lesson for ME to learn.

After our coloring and snack, it was play time again. I noticed several kids up on the stage, and a couple would pick up the microphone that was up there. They looked at me, to see if what they were doing was ok... I let them stay up there. God spoke softly to me again, "They are the ones gifted for the spotlight. They will do great things for Me and others will see." 


Let me just tell you. I had to hold back tears.

This little generation of children is coming up with a Heavenly Father who loves them and has already gifted them for great things! 

I think a few things are important here:
1. Always take chances when God gives them to you.
2. Listen for the lessons He has for you to learn through those experiences.
3. Love on children. They have purpose too!

Have you ever experienced something like this? I would love to hear about it!

1 comment:

  1. Great post,Jill! Amazing what God can teach us in such unexpected ways!
