Thursday, June 26, 2014

What about your friends?

Do you have friends? I hope so. I love mine. I am an only child and have always been close to my friends. There are different levels of friendship, I think. And, it's my opinion that God develops these relationships, if you let Him.

I have some friends who have been around since 3rd and 5th grades. (Yes, that was a long time ago.) We don't talk daily, but they are always in my life. I know if I really needed something, they would do whatever they could for me.

There are a couple of women in my life who I talk to regularly. Every day sometimes. They are good friends to me but can also be hard on me. Do you have any friends who speak the truth in love? Like always?! LOL Two of these do. Which, I know I need that, so I try not to complain. They love me, and do not want to see me hurt, so that's why they say what they say.

Have you ever lost a friend? As a teenager or adult? I have just experienced that, and it's hard. See, I love with my WHOLE heart. I give 150%! I do not know any other way to love or be a friend. So, when something breaks that relationship, it hurts me deeply. My childhood best friend was in my life from 5th to 11th grades, then she was gone. To this day, I do not know what I did wrong. I thought she would be my children's "Aunt". Ya know? You live and learn... you move on. 

I am learning this... God has a plan. He sends people into our lives sometimes for a season, and those seasons last different amounts of time. 

I know people all over the world read my blog. Which amazes me and humbles me greatly. I just like to write and talk about stuff. So, I need a favor. For those of you who pray. Please lift up one of my best friend's today. She is having surgery. Ask God to let everything go smoothly with no complications. I really appreciate it if you would take a minute to do that. Her name is Susan. 

Take time to pray for your friends. I pray for mine every day! Remember, we are not meant to live life alone. You need friends. Of course, more importantly, you need God. 

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