Thursday, January 30, 2014

Do NOT miss anything today!

My sense of smell is one thing I do not take for granted. There is something about my personality where my 5 senses are just really special to me. I'm sure you are thinking, "Well mine are to me too."

This is different. I tend to live and learn through my senses. Everyone learns differently.

This quote of taking time to stop and smell the roses, is actually about slowing down. I would like to take it to another level, and say that you should actually smell the roses! 

I like the soft touch of a silky shirt, the smell of Snuggle fabric softener in my house and on my blankets, the warmth of those blankets coming out of the dryer. I LOVE music. I enjoy hearing all types and styles. And food, oh man, don't even get me started with food. I will gladly be a taste tester for you any day. If you've seen my post of my pictures, it is obvious that I love beautiful sights. Sunsets are my favorite and I've been known to get in the car and drive just to get a picture! 

God designed us the way He did so that we would enjoy life. He puts things in our path on a daily basis so that we will look, touch, smell, hear and taste what He has created. 

Psalm 34: 8a says this, "Taste and see that the Lord is good."

Good is good, and so is His creation. (Which includes you, by the way.) Take some extra time today and do something you've never done. Notice things around you. Take in the smells, sights, feelings, and tastes! You won't regret it!

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