Monday, November 4, 2013

I Survive!

One of my favorite bands is "We Came As Romans". We went to see them in concert a couple of weeks ago and it was awesome. They have very positive up lifting music. They scream a little, so if that's not your thing, you might not like it... but take a listen before you just ignore them. Their lyrics are powerful and have touched me.

I have a situation in my life, that my hands are tied. There is a person who continues to hurt people that I love, and there is nothing I can do about it. Talking to this person doesn't help. 

Selfishness is the cause of this hurt and one of the worst traits a person can have. When you constantly think about yourself only and expect the world to revolve around you, everyone in your life gets hurt.

We aren't put on this planet to be selfish. We are here for community, relationships, and love.

True love isn't selfish. 

This leaves me trying to do what's right and not hate. 
Proverbs 10:12 says, "Hatred stirs up conflict, but love covers over all wrongs."

It's hard to love someone who is hurting people you deeply love and care about.

The song "I Survive" brings me comfort and helps me stay strong. The chorus says, 

"My hands are tied
But I will make it
I'm not shaken
Even when my mind's exhausted, I survive
And the world tries to drown you out (I survive)
Flooding your life like water-filled lungs (I survive)
And the waves try to wash you away (I survive)
Brace yourself, head high, heart strong (I survive)"

God has me. He will get me through anything life throws at me. I WILL SURVIVE and so will my loved ones.

If someone in your life is causing trouble, try to love and not hate them.

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