Sunday, November 3, 2013


I LOVE birthdays!  There is just something about telling someone that you are glad they are here another year that makes me happy.

To me, it's celebrating a person and their life. It's being thankful you know them and grateful they are a part of your circle of family or friends.

Today just happens to be my Mom's birthday. She is very special to me. She works hard and has had her own business most of my life. She is very artist and talented. As a child, she kept me in church, which gave me that foundation I needed. As a teenager, I stopped attending church and did my own thing. But, because of my mom, I am in church and a Christian. My mom has had some challenges in life. (After all, she's been married to my dad for 42 years next month! LOL) She's had times when she's gotten anxious or stressed out, but she remembers that her strength comes from the Lord and she refocuses on that.

Our Youth Pastor Josh's birthday is also today. He has had a huge impact on my family. I am thankful for his ministry at our church and how he pours into these teenagers lives. He makes God real and personal to the students. God is doing a great work through both Josh and his wife Brynn. They are a huge blessing to me.

It's my cousin Ken's birthday as well. He is older than me... he is actually my mom's first cousin. Ken and his family were so generous to me and the teenagers I took to a conference in October by allowing us to spend two nights in their home. They love the Lord too and we enjoyed talking to them about what we heard at the conference. It's so nice to have people who care and want to help.

Next time someone you care about has a birthday, go all out! Really let them know how you feel. Make them feel special!! They are here for another year and deserve to be celebrated!

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