Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Bigger Is NOT always better!

Here in the United States, we are bad about wanting the biggest and best of everything. Especially, the south, where I'm from. There are trucks that are too high off the ground, big hair, and people who think they need big bank accounts.

God's economy and the way He does things are so backwards according to our human thinking. 

I'm doing a women's Bible study at church by Priscilla Shirer on Gideon. I knew his story, but she has really helped me understand it better and in a different way.

In case you don't know the story, it is in the book of Judges. God's people had not done exactly what He told them to do years before when He provided them with their Promised Land. Since they hadn't done everything He said, there were tribes of people constantly at war with Israel. During Gideon's time, the Israelites also weren't living for God anymore like they should have.

An Angel of the Lord appeared to Gideon and told him that God had a plan to free them from this bondage of this other country. And that he would be a great warrior. The first thing he (Gideon) had to do was tear down the shrine his dad had to a fake god. Family can be difficult to talk to about God, can't they? I mean, you love them and want them to know, but you don't want them to stop talking to you for the rest of their lives.

But Gideon did what God told him to and things turned out great. Then, God sent him to war. He took 32,000 men to fight the Midianites. The odds were 4:1, in Midian's favor.

God dwindled that down to 300 Israelites. Only 300. That made the odds even worse!

You know why God does crazy stuff like this? So He can be glorified and humans won't take the credit. 

What's your 300? Will you trust God to do what's best for you? Let Him be glorified. He loves you and only wants what's best for you.

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