"Dear friends, since God loves us that much, we surely ought to love each other. No one has ever seen God. But if we love each other, God lives in us and His love is brought to full expression in us." 1 John 4: 11-12
Yesterday was by far one of the WORST days EVER on Facebook!
I saw people calling people horrible names. I saw people saying how our country is going to be so messed up now.
All because the person they voted for in the Presidential election did not get the job.
Need I remind you... GOD IS IN CHARGE HERE?
This is my understanding of God... take it for what you will, agree or disagree, that's cool.
I am a parent. I am in charge of my home. I pay the bills. I am the authority over my children.
HOWEVER, I am not always in control of my home. There are chores not done, messes made, and lights left on that I have nothing to do with.
God is in charge here. God made the earth and everything in it. He gave us free will. Therefore, He's not always in control of what happens down here. He allows us to make mistakes.
For clarification, let me state: Nothing can happen without God's approval.
Sometimes, we tend to give the enemy too much credit. Yes, he's walking around on earth waiting to see who he can bother. But he can't bother us unless God gives him permission. The enemy is not like God. He can't be everywhere at once. (Why God allows the enemy to do things in our lives is a whole other blog post.)
Also, let me state the fact here, that not everything BAD is from the enemy.
We live in a fallen sinful world. If we say EVERY bad thing here is done by the enemy, we are saying he's like God and he can do anything, any time, any where. That's simply not true.
We have toxins, chemicals, and other harmful things in our air, food, and water. Cancer is a huge issue in America. The enemy doesn't give it to us. God certainly doesn't give it to us.
God can't give you something He doesn't have.
Here is one thing the enemy does... and he's working it BIG TIME right now.
There are black and white Christians calling each other names because of who they voted for this week.
I mean, seriously. We are called to love each other. God commands us to love our neighbors as ourselves.
That means even if that neighbor voted for the person you didn't vote for.
Each side was afraid that if their candidate didn't get the job, America would suffer.
God tells us to cast all of our cares upon Him. He says He did not give us a spirit of fear.
Why you are afraid?
We need unity. We need to remember that God is love. God created us to love Him and each other. We've got to let this meanness go because the enemy is winning this way!
STOP letting him win!
Romans 8:28 clearly states, "And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to His purpose for them."
God will turn the bad around for our good. Period.
Stop worrying. Stop being afraid. And for Pete's sake, stop being mean to each other.
God wants us to get along and love each other. I want that too.
God bless you today and always.
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