Tuesday, November 8, 2016

If You, Then He Will

"Don't worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank Him for all He has done. THEN you will experience God's peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus." Philippians 4:6-7 NLT
I am doing this writing Scripture during the month of November thing with some friends online. This was part of today's writing.
I have read this Scripture many many times, but today something was different.
We get stuck on the first part. "Don't worry, pray." We tell people that all the time, don't we?
We miss the THEN part!
You see, God is awesome, and there are times like this in Scripture where we are told, "If you, then I will." It's a promise from God. Right there in our face, and we miss it.
Today is the day we've all been WORRIED about. Some of us are still worried, and will be until the wee hours of tomorrow morning when we see who the news declares to be our next President.
Photo Credit: Gary Fulkerson
God just told you in that Scripture if you stop worrying, pray instead, He WILL give you peace.
He didn't say, "I might give you peace." or "Maybe, I will give you peace." No. He said, "I WILL give you peace." 
Not just normal peace either. Peace that EXCEEDS your understanding.
I don't know about you, but I'd love some peace that exceeds my understanding! LOL
Honestly, I have felt that peace once in my life. It was this month back in 1996 when I lost my twin sons. After everything was over, when I woke up from it, I had that peace that honestly did exceed my understanding. I shouldn't have been peaceful at all. I just lost two babies.
BUT GOD! He showed up and showed out that day. He gave me exactly what I needed, which was Him and His peace after such a traumatic event.
He wants to do the same for you. He wants you to trust Him and stop worrying. He wants you to pray about everything that's worrying you. He wants to give you peace.
That's not all!
He also says that this peace will "Guard our hearts and minds."
What does that mean?
That if we allow Him to, He will help us KEEP that peace in our hearts and minds.
I believe we've got to stop worrying, start praying, then accept the peace, and repeat as often as necessary. That's how our hearts and minds will be guarded. It's not a one time thing.
You've got to go to God with everything, every day. You can't just give Him your worries one day, and take them back the next.
It's an on-going, daily process.
Which means you are trusting God every day! It means your relationship with Him will grow. 
I pray that this touches someone today. I felt strongly to write it. I needed it myself. Worrying can really harm us. To be perfectly honest, worrying is not trusting God. 
I don't know about you, but I want to trust Him. Trust Him with every single little detail of my life.
He has a plan, and He knows way better than I do.
God bless you today and always.

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