Wednesday, November 16, 2016

What Is Consecration?

"Consecrate yourselves, for tomorrow, the LORD will do amazing things among you." Joshua 3:5
Are you familiar with this word, "Consecrate" or "Consecration"? It is not a word I have heard a lot in my Christian walk.
I am reading Draw The Circle by Mark Batterson again, with some friends online. Today's reading is all about consecration.
To give you some back ground on the Scripture I posted, Joshua told the Israelite people to consecrate themselves before they crossed over the Jordan River to take the promise land.
I'm sure you are wondering, "What exactly is consecration?" I'm glad you asked!
Mark wrote, "The word consecrate means "to set apart". It means "to be designated for a special purpose.". It means "to be completely dedicated to God."
I think there are too many people just going through the motions of their Christian walk.
They attend church, they pray, they even read their Bible every once in a while, but they aren't "Completely dedicated to God."
Why is that?
Maybe they are afraid of what life would be like if they were completely dedicated to God.
Maybe they want to feel like they have control of their lives.
Maybe they think God doesn't really love them fully, so they just keep it all surface level with Him.
Can I tell you how much you are missing out on? For real.
Let me be honest. My life is not perfect. Ok? I am not saying that because I am fully dedicated to God that my life is a bowl of cherries and I don't have any hard issues to deal with. I mean, I have 3 teenagers! You know my life is crazy! LOL
In all seriousness...I have found that my life is better because I'm fully dedicated to God.
He gets me through the day. He helps me handle these 3 teenagers! 
Being consecrated to God is dying to ourselves. It's letting Him have ALL of our heart and lives. Once we do this, we really come alive! 
Mark Batterson also wrote, "If we consecrate ourselves to God, amazing things will happen. It's absolutely inevitable. Consecration always ends in amazing!"
Do you want any amazing life? It's not a perfect life. But it's amazing! (Or as my friend Matt Ham's character Frank on Snap Chat says, "UH MAZIN"! You should look him up, he uses the hashtag CanIBeFrank) 
Life with God is better. Period. 
Do you know God like this? Are you consecrated to Him? If not, why not? If you need prayer, please contact me. I would love to pray for you!
God bless you today and always!

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