"He shall be like a tree, planted by the rivers of water, that brings forth its fruit in its season, whose leaf also shall not wither, and whatever he does shall prosper." Psalm 1:3
I am reading Proverbs again, and different verses are jumping out at me. My son also gave me one his books he read for ministry school. It's called "Rooted: The Hidden Places Where God Develops You" by Banning Liebscher.
I want to share something from the book as well as several Scriptures from Proverbs.
Being a Christian is more than just going to church, reading our Bible, and praying. We need to be rooted in Christ and grow. God has given each of us special talents and skills to use for His glory. I think some people haven't allowed their roots to grow.
Banning says, "Your heart is your point of connection with Jesus - the place where you become rooted in your relationship with Him. He wants to develop His heart-to-heart connection with you to the point where you become fully united with Him, where you think like He thinks, want what He wants, speak like He speaks, and do what He does."
Throughout these last few days in Proverbs, I have put a star by the verses where God says something to the Godly. Some are promises, some are just the way Godly people should live.
Here is a list:
1. The Lord will not let the Godly go hungry.
2. The Godly are showered with blessings.
3. People of integrity walk safely.
4. The earnings of the Godly enhance their lives.
5. The words of the Godly are like sterling silver.
6. The hopes of the Godly will be granted.
7. The Godly have a lasting foundation.
8. The Godly will never be disturbed.
9. The mouth of the Godly person gives wise advice.
10. The lips of the Godly speak helpful words.
11. The Godly are directed by honesty.
12. The Godliness of good people rescues them.
13. The Godly are rescued from trouble.
14. The whole city celebrates when the Godly succeed.
15. Godly people find life.
16. The children of the Godly will go free.
17. The Godly can look forward to a reward.
18. The tent of the Godly will flourish.
19. There is treasure in the house of the Godly.
20. The heart of the Godly thinks carefully before speaking.
Now, let me go ahead and tell you... this is not a "name it and claim it" kind of thing.
I consider myself "Godly", meaning I live fully for God, but I am not perfect, and neither is my life. It's a GREAT life, don't get me wrong. But nothing this side of heaven is perfect.
What I want you to walk away with here is this: Life with God is BETTER!
God directs us, walks with us, helps us, heals us, molds and shapes us. Without Him, I honestly don't see how people get through the day.
Are you rooted in Christ? If not, do you want to be? All you have to do is ask.
Jesus is waiting for everyone to come to know Him as their Lord and Savior. He wants to be a part of your life.
Once you ask Him into your life, you start to grow and learn. You listen for the Holy Spirit. You read God's Word and understand it better.
And one thing is for certain. He is ALWAYS there with you, no matter what!
How can I pray for you today?
God bless you today and always!
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