I was reading Psalm 15 again because the list I'm following in one of my journals had it down for today. The Scripture posted above was already highlighted in my Bible. I don't remember when I read it, but it jumped out at me again today.
Reading those words made me feel like a little girl who climbed into her Daddy's lap for a hug and some comfort.
There are some people who had a great relationship with their earthly Dad. Especially little girls who were "Daddy's girl". Their dad loved his "little princess" and treated her as such. Those women might find it easy to let God love them the same way
Others, not so much. Some dads were their physically, but not emotionally. Some dads left and just weren't there at all. Still others left, and only got to see the kids on the weekends or every other weekend.
These last few years of my life, I have had my children, my parents, my friends, and my church family. They have been here for me in different ways. (I never lean on my children in ways I shouldn't, they just end up ministering to me without knowing. Like last night, I came home to an "I LOVE YOU" note on my desk that my daughter wrote.)
But God has been my constant. God has been here for me and taken care of me, even when I make stupid mistakes. God is my Heavenly Father who I rest in.
My life isn't picture perfect. Those closest to me know that. However, I can not deny that I feel like a little girl who is being taken care of, loved on, and watched over with the most care and concern ever.
God wants you to feel this way too.
You see, the key is putting Him first in your life. Above everything and everyone else. Yes, that even means your spouse if you have one, your child or children if you have them, your job, your most favorite hobby, your parents, and even your siblings or friends.
God first. Spouse second. Children third. Everyone else. Then you.
That's the order.
I am not a selfish person... so I don't fully understand it, but I can see how it would be easy to be selfish. We are supposed to take care of our bodies, our bills, and our families, right?
Sure enough!
When you put God first, all of that falls into place.
All I know is this morning, I feel like my Heavenly Daddy hugged me through His Word and His Holy Spirit. I know in my heart, without a doubt, that I am a beloved, treasured, highly favored daughter of the Most High King.
Can you say the same?
If not, take a minute to pray. Tell God how you really feel. Ask Him to hug you today. Ask Him to help you put Him first. He will. I promise.
God bless you today and always.
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