"If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all generously and without reproach; and it will be given to him." ~ James 1:5
The one prayer request that will get a guaranteed "YES" to, is praying for wisdom! Isn't that awesome?
I think it is. Because I know me, and I have made some mistakes before that wisdom could have saved me from!
One of the wisest men in the Bible was King Solomon. He took the throne of Israel after his dad, David, at a young age. God asked him, in 1 Kings 3:5, "What should I give you?". Solomon asked for wisdom. "Give Your servant an obedient heart to judge Your people and to discern between good and evil. For who is able to judge this great people of Yours?" (1 King 3:9)
Prayer is the key that unlocks wisdom! The Kendrick brothers have a whole chapter in their book "The Battle Plan for Prayer" about it.
They define wisdom as "the ability to apply knowledge to a given situation." Also, I like what they said here, "Wisdom is what we need. It helps you see things from God's eternal perspective, understand the cause and effect of a decision, and constantly learn from any situation."
They pointed out that one of the ways God has already answered our prayer for wisdom, is by giving us the book of Proverbs, which Solomon wrote.
For a time, I was reading Proverbs every month in different Bible version. I have several prayers that I made up from these Scriptures. I love turning Scripture into prayers!!
Here is one from Proverbs 31:
Father God, Thank You for clothing me in strength and dignity. Help me laugh without fear of the future. When I speak, let my words be wise. Let me give instructions with kindness. I will carefully watch everything in my household and not suffer from laziness. My children stand and call me blessed. In Jesus name, amen.
So, not only will God give us wisdom when we ask, but He's given us that awesome book in the Bible to gain even MORE wisdom from!
There is something the Kendrick brothers pointed out that I honestly did not realize. I guess I've never looked up the word "reproach". It didn't know what it is. It's in the Scripture above from James. The Battle Plan book says, "He also says He'll give it "without reproach" - without insult or condescension. Without making fun of us for being so foolish up till now. He wants us to win."
Let me sum this up real quick... we can ask God for wisdom and He will always answer YES. AND He will not make fun of us or pick on us for the foolish mistakes we made before we asked for wisdom.
That's a win win in my book!
What experience do you have with wisdom? Have you prayed for it? Did wisdom help you make wise choices about something in your life? I would love to hear from you today.
God bless you today and always.
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