Me & Matt on Bow Tie Friday |
Matt blew me away with his talk because the first thing he did was rap. This is button up shirt, khaki pants, bow tie wearing, Matt Ham we are talking about. It really got my attention.
Matt said, "Sometimes you get hit with the truth. We all have a version we believe of the truth. The truth can't be imposed on us - it can only be revealed in you.
Saul knew the truth - he obeyed every law and followed every rule, but then he encountered TRUTH on the road. The truth transformed him and he became Paul. When truth collides with us, it changes us."
After cancer, Matt lost himself in his "launch". That launch included a book, a website, and speaking.
Here are a couple of things he said that really stood out to me:
*We make "to do" lists, why don't we make "to be" lists?
* What you do is never more important than who you are becoming.
* If we aren't grateful for where we are, we won't be grateful when we get there.
*Collisions with the truth will mean you have to decide on the "AND's"
*Embrace the AND in your life - what God is doing IN you is more important than what He is doing through you.
Please take 17 minutes today and watch this talk: Matt's Talk
You can find Matt at his site:
Be sure to check out his book on Amazon too! It is a great book!
Like Matt says, your whole life matters. God loves you and has a plan for your life. Are you allowing Him to work in your life? Or are you just getting by?
Stop and let God love on you.
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