Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Your Word for 2017

"Your word is a lamp to guide my feet and a light for my path." Psalm 119:105
Several years ago I heard about having a word for the year. I am in some awesome groups on Facebook that Jon Acuff started. What a community we have!
God's Word is a lamp to guide our feet and a light for our path. So your word of the year, of course, is not to replace God's "WORD", but it can be God's Word for you.
What I mean is, each year I pray for a word. "Father God, what do you want my word to be this year?"
He always answers.
Now, let me tell you why we do this and what it means.
This word for your year is simply something you focus on all year long. You pay attention to it. 
I have struggled financially off and on since my divorce. I have times where everything is getting paid on time, and times when things are not getting paid on time.
I am TIRED of living this way. Even when no one but me knows, I feel ashamed and guilty for not being a good steward of God's money.
In these Jon Acuff groups, there are some awesome people who do different things for a living.
One of them I have spoken when in the last month or so is Melissa Thomas. She is a financial coach. Her ideas are amazing! She thinks of things that I never would have. We spoke on the phone last Friday, and she said, "You have to be diligent with this. Diligence leads to prosperity."
Can I just tell you that I'm more than ready to prosper? I mean, God wants me to prosper as well. He said it in Jeremiah 29:11, "For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."
God is not a big bully in the sky waiting for you to mess up so He can strike you down.
He has blessed me MORE this month of December, even in my mess, than ever before. I have received money from people to help me out and even though everything is not exactly what it needs to be, what I needed to pay got paid. And I bought Christmas gifts. 
So... I prayed for my word, and I heard DILIGENT. That's my word for the year. When I'm paying bills, I will remember to be diligent. When I need to write down what I am spending, I will remember that I"m being diligent in this. 
If you need help in this particular area, I HIGHLY recommend talking to Melissa. She's awesome! Her Facebook page link is here: Melissa The Coach
Maybe you need help in another area, get in touch with me, I may know someone who can help you.
Pray about your word for the year. What do you think God wants you to concentrate on during 2017, or grow through? 
It can be anything! Reading your Bible more, exercising, going to church, reading regular books, spending time with family or friends, praying more, writing a book...whatever you have in your life that you'd like to improve, ask God to reveal it and the word to get you through the year. I'm confident He will speak to you about this.
Let me know what your word is! I love hearing other people's words. 
One more thing... in 2015, my word was Thankful. I found this company that makes these cool bracelets with words on them. When you buy a bracelet, it gives someone else clean water. It is a great reminder to wear a bracelet with your word on it. The company is called Mud Love, here is a link to their site:
I can't wait to hear your word!
God bless you today and always!

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