Tuesday, December 20, 2016

How To Stop Anxiety!

 "Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank Him for all He has done." Philippians 4:6

In Draw The Circle by Mark Batterson on Day 26, titled "Game with Minutes" I highlighted some awesome insights that I need to share.
This time of year brings high anxiety on a lot of people. Some people struggle all year long, and it's just amplified during the Holidays. Others tend to get the "holiday blues" if you will. It's understandable.
Our society has placed such high expectations on people. Social media is full of the "ugly Christmas sweater", "ornament exchange", and "just hanging out with friends" parties. Maybe you were not invited to any of those, and it's got you down.
Worry adds to the anxiety of the holidays. I bet, like me, you've thought, "Can I even afford to buy presents?" "How will I pay for everything in the month of December?" "What if I can't get my kids the one thing they asked for?"
Listen. I understand. Probably more than you will ever realize.
God has an answer to this. He told us in Philippians 4:6 how to handle worry and anxiety.
"Do not worry. Pray."
So, let me tell you what Mark Batterson said:
"The key to praying without ceasing is turning everything into a prayer."
"If you are worrier by nature, I have good news for you. You have a tremendous prayer potential."
"If you worry about everything, you'll have a much higher likelihood of praying without ceasing if you simply learn to turn your worries into prayers."
"The Holy Spirit can redeem your anxious thoughts by using them as prayer triggers. Think of worry as alarm. Every time it goes off, you put it to a prayer. And when you do, you'll discover that your anxieties will evaporate like early morning fog. So quit wasting your worries. Redeem them by recycling them. Turn your worries into prayers!"
This might seem weird or small to you, but I assure you, it's not. It's big deal! 
Let me give you an example: 
WORRY: I do not have enough money to pay a bill.
PRAYER: Father God, I know that you are my Provider, Jehovah Jireh, I thank you right now that you will help me earn enough money to pay this bill. I am turning this over to you and not worrying about it anymore. In Jesus name, amen.
WORRY: My child is not behaving correctly, I think he/she will grow up and be a bad person.
PRAYER: Father God, your word says to train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is older he will not depart from it. I have done that, Lord. I raised my child in church, taught them about you, and prayed over them. I ask that you will touch their heart and help them live for you. Let this behavior be healed by healing whatever is going on in their heart. Thank you for what you are doing for my child. In Jesus name, amen.
You get the idea? Turn the worry into a prayer.
You will be praying a lot if you worry a lot! And that will be awesome!
Next thing you know, you will feel lighter and your life will look so different. You won't be carrying around those heavy burdens and trying to handle life all by yourself.
We have a Heavenly Father who loves us and wants what's best for us. He's always there to listen and He hears our prayers. No matter how small we think they are.
If you need prayer, please contact me. I will pray for anything for you. Big or small. If you just need someone to talk to, I'm here. Life gets rough at Christmas. I know. 
God bless you today and always!

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