Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Who Do You Listen To?

"Consequently, faith comes from hearing the message, and the message is heard through the word about Christ." Romans 10:17
We have so many ways to listen to people today. The internet is FULL of millions of videos, podcasts, blogs, Facebook posts, etc. There can actually be information overload if we aren't careful.
I think we should also be careful who we listen to.
You see, we have an enemy. He wants nothing more than to keep us away from God, our purpose, and a good life. If we aren't already Christians, he makes sure we stay that way. If we are Christians, he tries to keep us from a good close relationship with God. He just stinks, in my opinion.
I have struggled with the thoughts in my head about myself for years. I have heard how I'm not smart, how I'm not pretty, how I will never amount to anything. Those are all lies.
What has helped me over the years is retraining my brain with God's Word, and believing the truth of the people He has put in my life. My family and friends speak life over me regularly. God's Word has a lot to say about me, good positive well as great advice when things go wrong.
In my Christine Caine devotional today she said, "God's Word is living and active and breathes life back into dead bones, weary souls, and broken hearts. Access to the Word in all shapes and forms is no longer the issue; it is a matter of getting that Word INTO us. Bottom line, it doesn't matter HOW we do it; the key is to actually prioritize the time TO do it. Faith only comes by hearing the Word of God. Make sure this is what you are listening to more than anything else."
My questions for you today are these:  Are you reading or listening to God's Word? When you are struggling, do you go to it and find answers? I know it has helped me a ton.
My self esteem has been shattered by human men. But, God has restored me by telling me that ListeningI am His masterpiece created for good works (Ephesians 3:10) and that I am fearfully and wonderfully made. (Psalm 139:14). (That's just two Scriptures.)
Listen to what God says about you, what your family and friends say, and stop listening to other negative stuff.
Believe the truth and let the truth set you free!
God bless you today and always.

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