Friday, November 27, 2015

Going to God FIRST!

I had a pretty scary but amazing thing happen this morning.

Yesterday, I went and started a little Christmas shopping. I had plans to go somewhere tomorrow for another item or two. I woke up thinking about that this morning. Then, I started thinking about my checks from work.

I got paid this past Wednesday, and I get paid every two weeks. For months now I have had my budget filled out in my Purposeful Planner until next June. Just as I was trying to go back to sleep this morning, it dawned me that I had three paychecks budgeted for December. But that was wrong. I just got paid, so I will not be paid again on December 2nd.

I'm getting to the good part... keep reading... LOL

Normally, when I make a mistake, I turn to my best friends, asking for prayer and solutions... then I beat myself up over my mistake.

I could have really done that this morning. 

You know what I did instead?

I went through my check book, figured things out, then re-wrote my budget and PRAYED.

Yes, I prayed. I ask God for wisdom and help. I asked Him to let me figure things out without having to do any weird stuff. (Like borrowing money) 

And you know what? HE DID IT!

This is a huge accomplishment for me.

Now, please understand. Things aren't perfect for me. If I'm being honest, I am still off budget some. It could be worse. Much worse. And I could be sitting here beating myself up over it all... but I'm not!!!

I was looking for something on my desk this morning when I found a paper that I had written on.. it says, 

"Instead of trying to fight your fears, concentrate on trusting God."


I am so thankful for this lesson and for the growth I've experienced. I pray that this doesn't come across as prideful, because that's not my intention. 

I want to help you see that going to God first with our problems is the key. Because He's got the answer or He IS the answer!

Will you trust Him with everything? It's a process, but once you do, you will notice a huge difference in your life.

God bless you today and always!

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