Monday, November 30, 2015

Are You Hiding From God?

Yesterday, our Children's Pastor taught a message on Hide and Seek. As children, that's a fun game for us... but as adults it's not really fun anymore.

We tend to hide from God because we think our sin disqualifies us. That's just not true. Jesus came to forgive us of our sins, therefore, we aren't disqualified at all.

Also, instead of going to God first, we turn to food, porn, shopping, music, drugs, alcohol, relationships, etc, etc... anything that we think will bring us peace and help us feel better.

NOTHING will bring us peace like God can!

God sees our hearts anyways, guys. We can't really hide from Him. 

Instead, let's hide IN Him.

My favorite protective Scripture, Psalm 91 verse 1 in the NLT says, "Those who live in the shelter of the Most High will find rest in the shadow of the Almighty."

Living in His shelter, hiding under His wings, resting in His shadow, life is better.

It's not perfect. Life sucks sometimes. Add this broken world to an enemy who wants to keep us down, and it's a fight some days... for real!

Psalm 32:7 NLT says, "For you are my hiding place; you protect me from trouble. You surround me with songs of victory."

Let's go to God with everything. Not just the bad stuff. He wants to rejoice in the good with us too. He wants us to come to Him first before we go to anyone else. He wants to be first in your life and help you walk this narrow road. 

Will you decide to hide IN Him and not FROM Him?

I think you'll be glad you did. If you'd like me to pray about this for you, I will. Just ask.

God bless you today and always.

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