Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Our Plans, God's Steps

This Scripture jumped out at me twice yesterday.

Remember my post the other day about being a planner?

Yeah.. God's like, "See, little miss, you can make all the plans you want, 
but I determine your steps."


God is funny sometimes.

Life is too.

We think we have it all figured out, and BAM! Curve ball, right in the gut!

Honestly, I don't know what I am doing half the time.
 So I would rather let Him guide my steps.

After all, He knows what's best for me. He can see ahead, when I can not. 

My best friend sent me a picture of her devotional today and there was another Scripture that is similar.

Proverbs 19:21 says, "Many plans are in a man's mind, but it is the Lord's purpose for him that will stand."

What in your life are you trying to plan out?

Are you trying to forcefully make something work out like you 
think it should be? 

I know I have done this before. That new way of getting kids to stop fighting comes to mind.. where the parents put the kids in a shirt that's too big... 
Here, I will show you a picture.

It's every parents' dream for their children to get along..but forcing them, like this, seems to just cause humility and shame. It's worse to me.

We can force things, but if we do, and it's not God's steps, it will not work.

I know it's hard to not know what tomorrow holds.

However, I know who holds tomorrow, and I need to trust Him.

Let God order your steps. Ask Him every day what He has planned and how you can work with Him. He will show you. Pay attention. Listen to Scripture, watch for similar things to jump out at you. That's Him speaking to you.

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