Thursday, March 5, 2015

I have a question for you....

If you played football, which part of the team would you be on? Offense or Defense?

You might not even like football and not have a clue what I'm talking about.

The offense is when they have the ball. The quarterback is on the field, and they are attempting to get a touchdown.

The defense is blocking the guys with the ball. They are trying to "protect/defend" their end of the field, if you will.

I have a couple of friends who have faced other people trying to cause them trouble. Things have happened that weren't even mentioned to close friends. Normally when we are attacked, we become defensive. Right? We want to defend ourselves or our reputation. 

Here is the deal: God is our defender.

In Draw the Circle Mark Batterson talks about how the Holy Spirit and Jesus are both praying for us. We are double circled with those two intercessors. Batterson made a decision to never defend himself against criticism. He said, "Life is too short, and the mission is too important. And I'm called to play offense, not defense. God is my defender."

Psalm 68:5 says, "A father to the fatherless, a defender of widows, is God in His holy dwelling." 

Psalm 18 and Psalm 91 are also really good. See, King David was running from King Saul. Saul did not obey God on something, so God was replacing him. Saul was a jealous man and went after David to kill him. David had been serving Saul. And actually, Saul was his Father in law and Jonathan, Saul's son, was David's best friend. You can imagine the betrayal David felt. But, he had God on his side. God protected him, watched over him, and defended him.

God still does the same for us.

When people run their mouth about us and do things to hurt us. It's not our job to try to get them back. God will handle that.Romans 12: 19 says, "Do not take revenge my friends, but leave room for God's wrath, for it is written, "It is mine to avenge; I will repay," says the Lord."

The people who are trying to hurt you also need you to pray for them.

I know that's hard. Do you think I ENJOYED praying for my ex husband? Uh, nope! But I should and need to continue to do so. He needs someone to pray for him. 

Who has hurt you? Got their name in your head? Ok, pray for them and let God handle the rest. I promise, He will. 
This is my favorite college team, Auburn. This is their offensive line.

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