Wednesday, February 11, 2015

When God Seems Far Away

During my reading in Psalms, I came across this Scripture:

Psalm 34:18, "The LORD is close to the broken hearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit."

I know I have had my share of hard times. Some where I experienced a broken heart, others where I just felt crushed and worn out.

Bad things happen to good people all the time.

Thankfully, I know and believe that it's not God who causes the bad things to happen.

I have a friend who's daughter is currently under going tests and each one is coming back with bad news. I would appreciate it if you would read her blog and lift them up. I am praying for God to heal little Tori. Lesa's Blog

I have friends who are still mourning the deaths of their children and spouses, friends who have lost jobs, and friends who's marriages have ended. None of it is good fun stuff.

These types of times are the ones where sometimes, we think God left. But He didn't. This is when He is closest. 

Psalm 147: 3 says, "He heals the broken hearted and binds up their wounds."

God cares about your situation.

He is close.

He wants to heal and bind up your wounds and crushed spirit.

The question is, will you let Him?

I know you are probably thinking, "Of course! Why wouldn't I?"

Well, some people tend to run from God during hard times because they think He caused it. That's simply not true. Hard times are when we should run TO God because He is close as the air we breathe!

Let Him comfort you. Let Him heal you. Let Him bind up your wounds. 
You will feel better, I promise.

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