Tuesday, February 24, 2015

What Living A SOLD OUT Life Looks Like

There is a group of us on Facebook reading the book "Draw The Circle, 40 Day Prayer Challenge." What I read today combined with something my Pastor said Sunday really hit home with me.

I consider myself "sold out" to God.

I love Him dearly, talk to Him, read the Bible and other books about Him, attend church regularly, and of course, write this blog about Him.

Heck, I even have a visible tattoo that says, "Jesus Loves You". 
That's pretty hard core, right? LOL

Here is the deal: Being sold out for God is a GOOD thing!

It does not make you weak. It does not make you dumb. 

What it makes you is a person who fully lives for God.

In the Circle book, Mark Batterson, the author/ Pastor says:

"Consecration is death to self. I know there is a fear that if we give more of ourselves to God, there will be less of us left, but it's the exact opposite. It's not until we die to self that we truly come alive. The more we give to God, the more we have and the more we become. It's only in losing our lives that we really find them."

My Pastor walked us through the Scripture in Luke Chapter 9: 23 which is Jesus talking,

"Then He said to them all: "If anyone would come after Me, he must deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow Me."

Denying ourselves is about being willing to be inconvenieced. Giving your time is the most precious thing you have. You can't make more and you can't take back what you spend.

Taking up our cross isn't about carrying a burden either. We tend to think that. But if Jesus WANTED us to be burdened, why did He tell us to cast all of our cares/ burdens on Him? Taking up our cross means that you are willing to defend those who need it. 
It's like the staff that shepherds used to protect their flock. 

Following Jesus is somewhat explanatory, but one really cool part that we over look is WHO Jesus spent time with. He hung out with the tax collectors, prostitutes and races  the Jews hated. So, we've got to be willing to go where He would and hang out with people who aren't like us.

Living like this is how I choose to live. God has blessed me many times over. Even through the bad. Even through my stupid decisions. He can do exceedingly and abundantly more than we could ever think or imagine. And, oh how He loves us!
 His love is unconditional, never failing, and never ending!

Are you sold out for Him?
Why or why not?

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