I've been reading through the book of Proverbs for some time now. I have known about the Proverbs 31 woman. I used to sale bags for a company based on that Scripture. ("Thirty One Gifts")
As I re-read through this chapter today, it really scared me to death.
I WAS married. For 19 years. I tried my best to care for my family and husband. And yet, I still ended up divorced.
Was I not a good enough Proverbs 31 woman?
I think the answer is YES!
I took good care of my family. What worries me is that some women will read it and feel overwhelmed.
Basically, this Scripture describes this wife/mom staying up all night and only caring for her family.
Proverbs 31: 15 says, "She gets up while it is still dark; she provides food for her family and portions to her servant girls."
Verse 18 says, "She sees that her trading is profitable, and her lamp does not go out at night."
This is a TALL order to fill for anyone! Especially a woman in 2014.
Please do not get me wrong. This book is full of wonderful things a woman should be. However, I'm afraid if we take it literally we will feel terrible about ourselves.
It is NOT a sin to take care of yourself. Actually, you NEED to take care of yourself. You need down time, breaks, and something that is just for you.
My children never went to day care. Out of my 19 year marriage, I was a stay at home mom probably 13 of those years. Even when they were in public school, I was home for most of the time.
Becoming a wife and mom was/is awesome to me. I do not regret one thing. I just want you to know that your identity comes from God. Not your husband or your children. I did not know that for a long time. I was "Blake's mom", and just took care of him. Then Andrew and Julie came along. Having three little ones at home was tiring, and I forgot who Jill was.
Pray for balance. Ask God to help you. He will. If He called you to be a wife and or mom, He will give you the strength and wisdom you need. I promise!
One part of this Scripture that got me through my divorce came from my good friend Michelle. She made me a canvas and a beautiful bracelet with this on it:
No matter what you are going through, you will make it! Do not fear your future. You are loved and God will never leave you.
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