This is going to be a personal blog today. I just need to get something off my chest.
As many times as I've typed this, I find myself typing it again. Life is not fair. Bad things happen to good people.
The difference is how you handle the bad.
I did not have a perfect childhood. I am an only child, but I was not spoiled.
My parents are not very affectionate people. They did not tell me they loved me, hug me, or hold my hand much. So, as a teenager, when a boy did, I went a little wild.
I got married young. I did really love him. He brought a huge problem into our marriage from the very beginning. It was something that stayed throughout our marriage and was always a problem. I did not feel loved after awhile.
I went through a lot when I was married. There were some really rough times.
I believe I grieved and hurt the fall of 2012 the most in my life. The first few months of 2013 were better and I thought things might improve, only to be told in March that he was leaving. ( I can't believe he has been gone a year, it has flown by!)
My ex has taken care of the me and our children. He pays what he is supposed to, he sees the kids often, etc. So, I have not have to struggle with him on any of that.
I am happy. I have people in my life who treat me like I've never been treated. I feel valued, appreciated, and beautiful.
I have been told, "You bounced back after your divorce."
Well, isn't that what I was supposed to do?
Please don't get me wrong. I had nights that I cried myself to sleep. I had times on my bedroom floor balling my eyes out listening to "Losing" by Tenth Ave North.
My family was torn apart. I never wanted my children to be raised in a divorced family.
But staying down did not make sense to me. I needed to bounce back for my kids. They need me.
The main and only way I've gotten through it all is with God's help. Without Him, I probably would still be struggling with emotional stuff. I've been healed. God is good.
If you are struggling with anything right now, let Him help. Trust Him! He loves you and He does not like to see us struggle. Life will never be perfect. And that's ok. When you live for God, He always has your back!
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