"God saved you by His grace when you believed. And you can't take credit for this; it is a gift from God." Ephesians 2:8 NLT
On Sunday evenings for a few weeks now, I've been attending a Bible study with my two best friends and one of my cousins.
Anyway.... over these last few weeks, I have written down tons of nuggets of wisdom from my cousin. Something he said this past Sunday really touched my heart and I want to share it.
"Rest in what Jesus did and that you are hidden in Him. You are whole and pure, not because of your DO but because of His DONE."
I will admit, I used to be very performanced based. I longed for approval from my parents growing up. I tried to please and longed for approval from my ex husband. Heck, I tried to please everyone and I was very co-dependent for a long time.
Then, even without trying, I thought that some of the things I was doing made God love me more. Not more than YOU, but just more for me.
It's not in our DO. Nothing we can DO will make God love us more or save souls.
God loves us. Period. We don't have to jump through hoops, bend over backwards and do front flips.
I can hear you ask, "If He loves me so much, then why do I keep having hard times?"
I'm glad you asked. There are a few possible explanations:
- You have walked out from under His protective umbrella.
- You are doing something right and the enemy can't stand it.
- God has allowed something so He could grow you.
PLEASE hear my heart. God does NOT cause bad things to happen to us. But some things He will allow so we can learn and grow.
We give the enemy TOO much credit. He's not all powerful, all knowing, and everywhere like God is. However, he is around and when you are trying to live for God, you have a target on your back.
All God wants is a relationship with us. One where we pray, read His Word, listen, attend church, and worship Him. He has blessings He wants to pour out on us from Heaven.
Salvation is the first one. If you died today, do you know without a doubt that you'd be in Heaven with Him?
I hope so. If not, please get in touch with me and let's talk. Because the fact of the matter is, your DOING will not get you there.
Jesus has already DONE it on the cross. He was killed, buried, and resurrected. He took our place. He bore our sins on the cross. It is done.
He only had to do it once.
You are forgiven, all you have to do is accept the gift. Stop trying to earn it.
God bless you today and always!
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