"Suddenly, the angel was joined by a vast host of others - the armies of heaven - praising God say, "Glory to God in the highest heaven, and peace on earth to those with whom God is pleased."
I love God's Word. Don't you?
As I've said before, I am writing Scripture each day. Today's posted one above is one I wrote. I have never realized or noticed the "The armies of heaven" part. Have you?
I was reminded of Chris Tomlin's song where he says, 'The God of angel armies is always by my side."
I have always had an interest in angels. I guess they just make me think about God and remind me of His grace, love, mercy, and power.
When I'm afraid, I pray for God to place large soldier angels around my house, and if someone comes up here to harm me, that He will reveal the angels to them.
My Pastor told us a story of a missionary overseas who used to travel through the jungle for supplies. He had to sleep in the jungle alone.
On one of his trips, while in town, a man came up to him and told him that he and some friends had planned to rob him during his last trip. They followed him into the jungle, and planned to kill him and steal his stuff. But they stopped because there were 35 soldiers with him.
The man said, 'No. I was alone."
The other man said, "No, my friends and I counted, we were out numbered. You had 35 soldiers with you, so we left."
Later that year, when the missionary came home for a visit, he spoke at a church. He told this story. Someone stood up, and said, "I remember that day. I felt like we needed to cover you in prayer right then, so we did. How many men joined me in prayer? Please stand up."
Guess how many.... yep, 35.
God sent 35 angels to protect and surround the missionary that represented the men back in the US praying for them.
God has an angel army. He needs it because we are in a battle with the evil army. Every day.
Jesus came though, born as a baby, to give us life with Him for eternity. Him and His angel army.
Do you know Him as your Lord and Savior? I hope you do. If not, will you turn to Him this Christmas? Let this year be your miracle Christmas year to fully surrender to the God of angel armies. After all, He's always by your side.
God bless you today and always!
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