I can't count the number of times I have quoted Jeremiah 29:11 about God having a plan for our lives. I talk about it so much to give you hope.
Then I read this Scripture this morning and it made me want to talk to you about your future.
Once again, God is reminding us that we have a hopeful future. We will not be cut off from Him.
At this moment, I even feel an anticipation in what God is doing. I feel like a shift is coming... something great in my life. I am believing that for you as well.
When you fully surrender your life to God, giving Him full control, there is no telling what will happen for you.
This past weekend, as I was talking with one of my best friends, she said, "You've set limits on what God can do. Stop it."
She was right. God is limitless! He has everything under control and He's in control. He has the cattle on a thousand hills. He is my Rock, Redeemer, Shelter, Strong Tower, Father and Friend.
God is not a big bully in heaven waiting for you to mess up so He can send a lightening bolt to zap you. He does not work that way.
What He does do is love on you, bless you, and give you a hope for your future. He has great plans for us all.
The key here is giving Him full control of your life. Stop sitting on the fence. You can't have one foot in the world and one foot in the Spiritual stuff. That's blocking some of God's best for you.
You don't need to worry about things, or continue to try to control your life. Giving it all over to God is the best feeling anyway! What a relief to know that you don't have to strive for everything. God can open doors, pour out blessings, and love on you, if you will let Him.
Will you put your future in His hands today? I hope so! I promise it's worth it.
God bless you today and always.
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