1 John 1:7 NASB says, "7 but if we walk in the Light as He Himself is in the Light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus His Son cleanses us from all sin."
Yesterday, my Pastor hit a home run with his message "Forgiven and Free". I wanted to share some of it with you.
Josh asked, "Have you ever done something you wish you could undo or change?" Of course, everyone can answer yes to this question.
That thing that you did, have you forgiven yourself for it? Or do you struggle with shame, guilt and condemnation?
Can I tell you the straight up truth? Those feelings are not from God. God will never shame you or condemn you.
He will lovingly discipline, but that's a different story.
God sent Jesus to cleanse us from our sins, once and for all... and for ALL our sins. Not some sins, not a few sins, not just the sins of a certain people group. ALL sins for ALL people.
I love this, Josh said, "Forgiveness is a present tense reality."
There are some people who believe that when you become a Christian, you are forgiven for your past sins, but not the ones you commit as a Christian. There are others who believe you can lose your salvation if you sin and don't confess it.
Our prayer time and worship should be about God. Josh said, "We take something about how worthy God is and make it about how unworthy we are." BOOM! Our prayer time and worship is to honor God.. not talk about how horrible we are as Christians.
I lived a guilty Christian life for 9 years. I felt like I wasn't praying or reading my Bible enough, so I must be a horrible Christian.(This was from things being said during sermons) I even thought that I needed to volunteer at church more to make up for my lack of everything else.
This is NO WAY to live. It's not what God wants or how He intended.
The Bible teaches that God has forgiven you for your sin once and that's all He has to. You see, if you think He can forgive future sin, you are wrong...because when Jesus died on the cross and rose again, it was over 2,000 years ago. We weren't even close to being around at that time. It was future sin then.
Jesus paid our debt in full. We don't owe anything.
All we need to do now is walk in freedom!
If you aren't walking in that freedom of forgiveness, please pray about it and/ or talk to someone you trust.
Walk in freedom and forgiveness. God bless you today and always.
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