Thursday, February 4, 2016

The Truth About God!

Psalm 145: 5 NLT, "I will meditate on Your majestic, glorious splendor and Your wonderful miracles."

I absolutely LOVE how God works!

Yesterday, I let something get me down in the dumps. I get in my head too much and think when I should let things go. But GOD! 

Yeah, He showed up this morning in my quiet time. See, I am using this really cool prayer journal that I bought. It has Scripture reading lists. There are about 20 each for 14 days. I picked Psalms. Then, in the journal, it has questions: "What word or phrase in today's reading speaks to your heart?" "How does today's reading directly relate to your life right now?" "How is God calling you to respond to what you've read today?"

It is reading, and meditating on the Scripture. Which is new to me. I have been reading only.

Well, Psalm 145 is amazing... let me share with you these awesome truths about God:

1. He is merciful, compassionate, slow to anger and filled with unfailing love. (verse 8)

2. He is good to everyone, He showers compassion on all His creation. (verse 9)

3. He ALWAYS keeps His promises & is gracious in all He does. (verse 13b)

4. He helps the fallen and lifts those bent beneath their loads. (verse 14)

5. He is righteous in everything He does & He is filled with kindness. (verse 17)

6. He is close to all who call on Him, to all who call on Him in truth. (verse 18)

7. He grants the desires of those who fear Him;He hears their cries for help & rescues them. (verse 19)

8. The Lord protects all who love Him. (verse 20)

If you ever thought God was different from this, you thought wrong. God is exactly what these Scriptures say about Him. 

He loves us all so much. He only wants to be our Father and help us through life. He wants to honor and glorify Him in all we do. He wants us to minister to people and point them to Him.

Whatever you are facing today, God can and will help you through it, if you ask Him to.

It's my prayer that you will turn to your good good Father who loves you exceedingly and abundantly more than any human being EVER could. 

If you need prayer, please get in touch with me. I am honored to pray for you.

God bless you today and always.

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