Matthew 22: 37-40, "37 Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ 38 This is the first and greatest commandment.39 And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ 40 All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.”
My Pastor defines love as "The accurate estimate and the adequate supply of another person's need."
Jesus said we are to love God with all of heart, soul, and mind.. AND love our neighbor as ourselves.
Love God, Love People. Period.
That is the motto of my church.. along with "When you're here, you're home". Which I love.
If you put John 3:16 into this definition it reads like this, "God accurately estimated the adequate supply of the world so He sent His one and only Son."
God saw the need. He loves us. So He sent Jesus to pay a debt for us that we couldn't pay.
We can love Him with all of our heart, soul, and mind...then we can love people like He does. That's what He's called us to do.
Three ways we can do that are this:
1. Acceptance/ envision: Accept people for who they are right where they are, but see the vision of who they can become in Christ. People know what's wrong with them, they need to know they are loved.
2. Affirming: Being affirmed can change someone's life. One of the biggest ways we can do that is pray for each other. Nothing says I love you like praying for someone's needs.
3. Adventurous: Be willing to go out and do things for others. Serve. Meet real needs to show God's love.
The one major thing we need to stop doing is JUDGING! We judge people instead of love them. Judgment divides us by skin color, education, social economic levels, and more. We have no place to judge folks. Let's stop it.
It's pretty sad that State Farm has shown people that they will be there for them no matter what. Their slogan is even, "Like a good neighbor, State Farm is there."
The church needs to do a better job of this. We need to be a good neighbor and be there for other people. Praying for them, helping them, and pointing them to God.
Are you loving people like God wants you to? Why or why not?
God bless you today and always.
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