Psalm 136:1, "Give thanks to the LORD, for He is good, His love endures forever."
I am currently leading a small group on the Kendrick brother's book, "The Battle Plan for Prayer". I started reading it last fall and really loved what I was learning, so my Pastor said it was cool to lead a small group in it this semester.
Today's reading is about types of prayer: Adoration,Confession,Thanksgiving, & Supplication
I wanted to talk to you about being a thankful person.
Here are a few of my highlights:
1. Thanksgiving is God-directed, humbly expressed gratitude. While praise focuses more on WHO God is, thanksgiving highlights WHAT He's done or is doing.
2.Ungratefulness, however, is very costly and is actually a poisonous sin. (Romans 1:21; 2 Timothy 3:1-5).
3. Unthankful people are consistently sour in almost all circumstances. They tend to complain about everything, never fully enjoying what they have, yet always wanting more.
4. Though the world grows darker, His Word promises goodness and His love never changes. We always have reason to express thanks because He is ALWAYS working through ALL things (even the bad things) for the good of those who love Him (Romans 8:28-29).
So, how thankful are you?
Are you ungrateful and sour? Why?
I am the type of person that I always look for the positive in people and situations. I guess I was born that way, I'm not really sure how or why I do that. I realize not everyone is like me.
However, I know that with God's help, we can all be more thankful than we are.
We need to be thankful, even in the small things. How many stories have you heard of people who were late or had something cause them to be later than usual and they missed a horrible wreck. I remember some of those stories that came out of New York during 9/11. People are still alive because they were late to work.
That's worth giving thanks for.
Everything that we have is a gift from God. We need to be thankful and not feel like we are entitled to anything.
If this is an area you struggle in, I would love to pray about it for you. Be thankful and let the sour attitude go!
God bless you today and always.
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