I am a single mom with three teenagers. My oldest has a part time job, goes to ministry school, and interns with our Youth Pastor photographer. My middle son is home all day and does home school work. My daughter goes to public school.
They have chore lists on the freezer. Yes, they are 18, 16, and 13, but they have chore lists.
Half the time, they either don't do their chores or they have to be reminded to do them.
All but this one thing.
I wash the towels and wash cloths.
That's just one thing they don't have to do. It's not on the list.
Every time they go in the hall closet to get a clean towel, it's there because I washed, dried, folded and placed it there.
That's grace.
I did not use their dirty towels and wash cloths. They did. However, I do not bring this to their attention. I will mention the other chores and I get upset when I'm the only one doing chores around here.
But not the towels and wash cloths. That's just something I do.
You see, God is the same way with us. He gives us grace freely. He gave us a "list" of things to do in His Word. He has a purpose and plan for our lives.
He didn't make us sin. He didn't dirty up our lives. We did. And yet, He washes us clean and never reminds us of our past mistakes.
God is our Heavenly Father. If I am willing to do things for my children out of love, how much more does God do for His children?
Jesus even said that. Matthew 7:11, Jesus said, "If you then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask Him!"
The first and biggest gift God gives us is GRACE!
I pray that if you don't already know the love of the Lord, that you will give him a chance. He loves you so much. If you are already a Christ follower, I hope this reminder gives you some energy or maybe a new way to explain grace to someone.
God bless you today and always.
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