Wednesday, January 6, 2016

'Til The Day I Die

Galatians 1:10 ESV, "For am I now seeking the approval of man, or of God? Or am I trying to please man? If I were still trying to please man, I would not be a servant of Christ."

I have been listening to Christian artist Toby Mac's newest CD, "This is not a test". Can I just say, I think this man is a genius? I LOVE how he describes God.

Over the years, he has written songs that are how he sees his relationship with God... for example, when The Passion of The Christ movie came out, he wrote a song called The Slam. Toby likes Jesus dying on the cross and rising on the third day, made him think about a slam dunk. His lyrics are, "This is the slam, this is the one, He gonna do it like it ain't been done before."

So, you see how different he thinks. Well, this new CD has really pumped me up for God in a different way. It's fast, has some rap and all, but to me, it's a worship album. 

I showed one of the songs to my Zumba instructor and he made up a routine to it. It's one of my favorites that we do in class. That song is Feel It. 

Toby's song, 'Til the Day I Die, really gets me going when I hear it.  Because, like Toby and NF the rapper on the song, I'm all in for God.

If you couldn't already tell, I live my life with God first. I have made mistakes, and at times, allowed other things to sneak into His spot in my heart, but not for long. I am sold out in my relationship with Him.

I don't turn to Him just when I'm going through something hard. I live my life with Him like Toby says in the song, "365, every minute, every second of the day."

Being a recording artist who tours, Toby says that he will be IN "Until the wheels fall off, until the spotlight fades."

Being a writer, I say, I'm all IN "Until my fingers won't type and the internet fades." 
This is my calling. This isn't just a hobby for me. Toby's singing isn't a hobby for him either. 

When you've been called and gifted by God to do something, you can't NOT do it. (Thanks, Libby, I will never forget you said that.) It becomes a part of you.

I will write, and keep writing because it's a gift He's given me to reach the world for His Kingdom and His glory.

If you play the video, I chose the lyric one so you can see the words, and I hope you dance! It makes me dance, I can't help it. 

Toby Mac's 'Til The Day I Die Video

So, 'til the day I die and they put me in a coffin, I'm going to tell people about God's love, grace, and mercy. I'm going to tell them that He will never leave them and that He wants to have a relationship with Him. Because, that's the truth. Will you join me? Will you use your gifts and talents for Him too?

God bless you today and always.

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