I had a rough day at work yesterday. We had an extra Mac computer, so my boss gave it to me. It will help me with my job. I haven't worked on a Mac in years, and I have never used some of the programs on a Mac that I'm using now. A few extra things came up, so it was a long day. I really wanted to go home, get in bed, and veg out.
I was going to take food to one family in our church who had surgery, but got a phone call that someone else was doing it. Then, I was asked to run a meal to a different family. This is an older couple in our church who I love. The wife is a hugger and encourager. She's always so sweet. Her husband has an awesome voice. I can be heard trying to sound like him sometimes. LOL He's a Vietnam Veteran. I have never had the pleasure of just sitting down and talking to them for long. I'm thankful my oldest son went so he could hear and experience what I did.
This woman spoke life over me. She said some profound things. I want to tell you about two, then dig into one of them.
They are a black couple. We discussed how we love our church because all races are welcome. Even inter-racial couples feel at home with us. She said she doesn't understand racism because we are all made from one lump of clay. "One lump," she said. "God didn't make a bunch of different ones." You know, she's right.
I told her some of my struggles at home. That's when she said, "You've got the power in you. Rebuke the enemy and tell him to leave. Get you some oil, and anoint your house." I told her I had done that a long time ago, to which she said, "Do it again."
I have the power within me. If you are a Christian, and you are following Christ, you have the Holy Spirit power within you too. I think one of the biggest tricks of our enemy is making us forget that. We can rebuke him in Jesus name. He has to leave. Period. He can't stay around when we say it or if we are reading and quoting Scripture. That's how we fight him.
I knew this. I have had times before where I had to fight against him. But her telling me this last night really opened my eyes to something I haven't seen. I wasn't even thinking about it that way.
In Jesus name, so much can be done. The Holy Spirit is in us to help us understand Scripture, to help us pray, and to guide us. Have you ever read the parts in the New Testament about the disciples after they got the Holy Spirit? A lot of amazing things happened.
Since I was reminded last night, I just wanted to remind you today... tap into the power inside of you. It's there for a reason. God is always with you, always helping you, and always loving you. Thank You Jesus!
God bless you today and always.
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