"Indeed, we have all received grace after grace from His fullness, for the law was given through Moses, grace and truth came through Jesus Christ." John 1:16-17
Grace is defined as "simple elegance; the free and unmerited favor of God".
Free and unmerited favor of God. Not jumping through hoops for God's favor. Not trying to do everything right every day for God's favor.
If we decide that on good days God is with us and bad days He isn't, you aren't walking in grace.
You know that song we sang as children.. Jesus loves me this I know? There is a line that says "Little ones to Him belong, they are weak, but He is strong". God is there in our weakness. God's grace allows us to realize the truth of that statement.
When we are at our weakest point in life, that's when God can step in and say, "Child, let me do this for you."
It's not that He's trying to be a dictator or anything. He's trying to be a loving Father and help us walk in grace.
We live in a fallen sinful world with all sorts of people. You've got good people who make mistakes, and not so good people who do things on purpose. That's a part of life.
Heck, I work at a church, and every once in awhile, someone will be upset. We are human. It happens. Me working at a church does not exclude me from bad work days.
If I based my opinion on God on how my day went, then I've got Him in a box. And that's just a place God doesn't belong. (Let's not limit this to work either. I had a bad evening at home last night.)
Grace is the reality that God loves you and He is always there. No matter what.
Legalism says it's up to YOU if God is there for you or not. Legalism says that A+B ALWAYS equals C. Grace does not.
No one deserves grace. We've done nothing to deserve it. Yet, it's freely given to all who ask.
I ask you again, are you walking in grace? I hope so. Because that's the best place to walk.
God bless you today and always.
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