Last night, the choir at my work performed their Christmas presentation. I knew the songs that were going to be sung, I worked with them behind the scenes on their music books and all.
But during the song, "What a strange way to save the world", they had three teenage girls doing a ballet dance. The girls had brought out a little wooden manger with a baby doll in it and red cloth. At the end, they covered the baby in the cloth, and all three held up pieces of it to form a cross. I wish I would have taken a picture, but I was too busy crying because I was so moved. It was beautiful.
What a representation of what Jesus did for us!? He was born, a baby, who grew up, and went to the cross for our sins. To pay our debt.
In a devotional I read this morning, it hit me why some people just can't accept what Jesus did for them. They don't know how to receive. I struggle with it myself. When I am given a compliment, I struggle with taking their statement. I want to come back with, "Oh, this sweater, it was only $6." Or "Thank you..but..." I don't receive well.
Here is what I saw in this devotional:
* Receiving is passive
* Receiving requires humility
* Receiving requires acceptance of the gift, words, etc.
* Receiving shows others how you feel about yourself and the giver
* Receiving demonstrates a heart of gratitude
If I can't take a compliment then I'm showing the person who gave it that I don't like myself very much. Or that I don't care about their opinion. I'm also putting down God, who made me.
Receiving the gift of salvation is easy...but I agree with the writer and the qualifications I wrote above. People don't want to be passive and humble. They have pride and want to live their own life their own way. I think it's ok to be passive and humble. That's not a bad thing. We should always be grateful too!
My word for this year was Thankful, and it was so fitting. I have been very thankful for so many things.God has seen me through some rough times and protected me from some as well.
How are you with receiving? Is it something you need to work on too?
Have you received the gift of salvation from Jesus? There is no time like the present to do so! Just decide in your heart to make Him the Lord over your life. I don't think you'll ever regret it.
Ask God to help you receive better. Especially this time of year when people are feeling generous. Take their compliments and gifts with gratitude. I bet you'll be glad you did.
God bless you today and always.
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