Last night, I attended my work church's Christmas Eve candle light service. This past Sunday at my church church we sang Christmas songs, because we do not have a Christmas Eve service.
There is a Christmas song that we should be singing all year long. Have you ever thought about that? It's not a Christmas song. It's a worship song, and both times this week, my heart has swelled and the reality of the lyrics just washed over me.
From my family to you and yours! |
The song is "Oh Holy Night". My Pastor told us his favorite line from the song. Last night, the interim Worship Leader at my work told his. I think both are awesome.
I can not tell you how many years I've heard or sang this song...but this year, for whatever reason, these lyrics hit me hard.
Al, the interim at my work loves the "fall on your knees" part. He said that when he sees Jesus in Heaven, he's just going to fall on his knees and worship Him.
My Pastor said his is "His law is love and and His gospel is peace."
Here are my favorite lines:
Truly He taught us to love one another
His law is love and His gospel is peace
Chains shall He break for the slave is our brother
And in His name all oppression shall cease
Sweet hymns of joy in grateful chorus raise we,
Let all within us praise His holy name
God is trying to teach us to love one another...but we still mess that up sometimes.
I like my Pastor's favorite line too... because He is love and thinking about His gospel being peace is pretty cool.
"Chains shall He break, for the slave is our brother" This makes me think of a number of things. Throughout history there have been slaves. Even in Bible times. Remember how Joseph's brothers sold him into slavery? It's been around forever, and honestly, is still happening in our modern 2015. There are sex slaves now, some little children who sick people pay to have sex with. Those people are our brothers and sisters and we should be helping them.
"And in His name all oppression shall cease" I feel like in this fast paced times we live in , we forget that power of Jesus name. Do you remember all that was done in His name in the Bible? That's still available to us. There is power in the name of Jesus!
We can sing sweet hymns of joy ALL year long. Not just at Christmas. Yes, Christmas is when we celebrate Jesus birth...but we should be celebrating His birth, death, burial and resurrection year round!
My friend Heather attended the service with me last night. As people were coming in, and a family from India came on our row. The wife asked if the seats next to us were taken. Heather, being the funny woman she is, said, "No, you can't sit here." My first thought was, "What in the world?" Turns out, she knew the lady from work. They are both teachers. They hugged and then everyone was introduced to she and I both.
During the candle lighting part, the deacon came to Heather first, because she was on the outside of the row, I lit my candle from her's, then I turned to this Indian woman and lit her candle.
I teared up. Here is a woman who was probably raised Hindu, sitting next to me in a Baptist church, worshiping the same Heavenly Father I was.
He is truly for EVERYONE! He loves EVERYONE! And He was born to save us ALL from our sins.
Father God, I pray that everyone who reads this today will feel your love and peace. I ask that we worship, love, and honor You all year, not just at Christmas. Pour out blessings on my readers, friends, and family. Let them live for You and worship You always and only. Comfort those who are mourning loved ones, heal the sick, and help the poor. Use me as You see fit, Father. I trust and love You with all my heart. In Jesus mighty name I pray, amen.
God bless you today and always.
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