Monday, November 9, 2015

Thank you Jesus!

Well, November is well under way and some people are writing on Facebook what they are thankful for each day this month. Other people are preparing for Thanksgiving and shopping in a few weeks. 

We tend to become more aware of our blessings during this month for some reason.

Shouldn't we be thankful every day? 24/365?

I believe, what we miss, are the small blessings. We have started taking things for granted.

A devotional I read said, "Regular blessings often lead to flat-lined hearts - as if God's dependability has lulled our thankfulness to sleep. But I can vouch that it's quite fun to reignite your thankful heart."

Do you need your thankful heart reignited?

Scripture is a great place to start. Oh, and counting your blessings.

Here are a few Scriptures to help you:

1 Thessalonians 5:18, "Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you."

Psalm 107:1, "Oh give thanks to the Lord, for He is good, His steadfast love endures forever."

Philippians 4:6, "Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving in your heart let your requests be made known to God."

Colossians 3:17, "And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him."

If you are already a Christ follower, you have a lot to be thankful for. If you aren't a Christ follower, you have blessings as well, you just don't realize it.

God is good. He loves everyone.

He has done so much for us, just the act of Jesus coming to die on the cross, being buried and resurrected on the third day. This was a gift for us so we could have eternal life with God in heaven. 

That's enough to be thankful for! He paid a debt we couldn't pay.

But, if you are reading this, you are super blessed. You are somewhere with power, a computer or smart phone, and the mysterious internet that somehow travels all over the world.

You are alive, be thankful. You have food, be thankful. You have a roof over your head, be thankful. You own a vehicle, be thankful.

Don't let the everyday stuff just seem ordinary. It's still a blessing.

Renew your heart and mind in Christ. Ask for forgiveness if you haven't been being thankful.  Life might not be good for you right now. Maybe you aren't excited  AT ALL about the Holidays. I understand. It's a hard time for a lot of people.

God hasn't left you. He's right there and He wants to be with you each day. Reach out to Him. Ask Him for help. He will help you. If you need prayer, ask me, I'll be glad to pray.

God bless you today and always.

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