Tuesday, November 24, 2015

I AM________

Have you ever had an AHA moment? It's one of those eye opening things that happens on occasion. I just recently had one. The crazy thing is, it's something I've pretty much been dealing with all of my life. It has gotten worse over the last two and half years.

I've talked about it before, my struggle with my self esteem. It's not a new blog topic. It's a pretty personal issue as well, however, I can't help but write about it because I feel like God wants me to help someone else.

You see, pretty much my entire life I have struggled with the "I AM's" in life. I have thought many wrong  thoughts about myself; how I AM too much of some stuff and I AM not enough of others.

What I really needed to be doing was changing those I AM's.

The truth is:

I AM God's daughter.

I AM dearly loved and valued.

I AM pretty.

I AM saved by grace. No performance necessary.

I AM doing the best job with my children that I can.

I AM leaning on God's everlasting arms for everything.

I AM leaving my worries at His feet and walking away.

God is the GREAT I AM! (Exodus 3:14)

He says this to us:

I AM holding on to you.

I AM your Father who loves you unconditionally.

I AM your Jehovah Jireh, your Provider.

I AM always here, never leaving, never forsaking you.

I AM only a prayer away.

Friends, let me tell you something. There is NOTHING like a relationship with God. Nothing. He is amazing. I am growing and learning and loving every minute of it. Sometimes it hurts. Sometimes I cry. But that's ok. 

I share this because I feel like God wants me to. I'm not trying to win you over, get sympathy, or anything of that nature. Someone else is struggling that needs to know there is a light at the end of the tunnel! 

There are a couple of Proverbs that I saw on my desk from the other day and they confirmed me being so honest on this topic:

Proverbs 20:7 MSG, "God-loyal people, living honest lives, make it much easier for their children."

Proverbs 20: 28 MSG, "Love and truth form a good leader; sound leadership is founded on loving integrity."

I share for those reasons. I want to be honest with every single part of my life. I want to give my children an example to live by, I want to be a good leader, and I want to help people.

Change your I AM's. Stop saying "I AM not good enough." "I AM not good looking." "I AM too over weight." "I AM not smart enough."

Stop putting down GOD's creation! He made you the way He did for a reason. He has a purpose and plan for your life. 

So you've struggled with stuff. That's ok! He will forgive you! We've all struggled with something in our lives.

You are loved. Unconditionally. No matter what. 

Now go fill in that blank. Write them down. I AM _________.

God bless you today and always.

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