Thursday, November 19, 2015

Don't Go Without Your Armor!

I changed my "War Desk". I had so many index cards with prayers on them that it was getting hard to read them all. I decided to copy my best friend Barbara, and made a "War Notebook." (It's just a one subject notebook with Scripture and prayer in it.)

On the inside front page, I wrote down "Arm Yourself".. then this prayer:

"Father God, Help me be strong in You and Your mighty power. Let me put all of Your armor on so that I will be able to stand firm against the strategies of the devil. Because I am not fighting against flesh and blood enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world. Let me stand my ground, putting on the belt of truth and the body armor of God's righteousness. For shoes, I will put on the peace that comes from the GOOD NEWS so that I will be fully prepared. Let me hold up my shield of faith to stop the fiery arrows of the devil. I will put on the helmet of salvation, and take the sword of the Spirit which is the Word of God. In Jesus name, amen." Ephesians 6: 10-18 NLT

Last night, Mrs. Laurel taught on this very topic. I really want to share part of it with you. She said we need to dig out the root of our problems. And because we don't fight against flesh and blood, satan throws his fiery arrows at us to distract us. Thinking on heavenly things will help us and it's best to not focus on earthly things so much.

We need to take our eyes off the world and look to GOD!

Here is a short break down of each piece of armor:

Belt of truth:  This is truth that doesn't come from us. Scripture is the truth. It over rides your feelings. The truth is always there. 

Breastplate of righteousness:  This has to be attached to the belt to stay on. It's about right living and it protects your heart. Just because you know the truth, doesn't mean you are going to live in it. Stop ignoring the sin in your life and do something about it.

Shoes of peace: God will walk with us through the hard times. Bad things happen, but that doesn't mean that God caused it. You will know you are making the right decision because the truth is there, right living is there, and you will have peace.

Shield of faith: This is mobile. And it can be linked with other shields for extra protection. You move forward holding your shield against the fiery arrows. Faith is acting like you believe what God says.

Helmet of Salvation:  This is not about needing to be saved. This is about putting on right thinking.

Sword of the Spirit:  This is the Word of God. But it's not like the sword in the picture. It's small, like a dagger. God's Word is that dagger. It's the Rhema Word, the spoken word of God that is very powerful.

Put on your armor through prayer! Write mine down if you need to and pray it every morning! We've got to fight against the bad stuff, guys. It's only getting worse in our world today. We can fight back. Will you join me?

God bless you today and always.

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