Saturday, October 17, 2015

Cleaning Up After Other People

I am sure, if you've been alive for any length of time, you've had to clean up after someone else.

You do not have to be a parent for this to happen. Some of my best friends are dog parents, and we all know that dogs can make messes too.

Thursday nights, I go to my friends' studio for Zumba, then stay an extra hour for our church small group class. I had some chicken in the fridge that was already cooked. I asked my oldest son to cook some rice while I was gone.

He was overly tired that night. He made it, went to bed, and had no idea what a huge mess he left on the stove.

As I was cleaning it, I text him and said, "I hope you know just how much I love you. You made a huge mess this week and I've cleaned it all up after you."

He's becoming an adult and trying to balance working at 5am with school work, interning at church and interning with a photographer. I'm trying to give him grace, but I work, cook, and spend time with all three of my children. I'm busy and tired too. That Zumba time is just for me, though. I enjoy it.

As I was cleaning... God spoke to my heart. "How many times have I cleaned up your messes?"

OUCH! I knew He was right though.

You might not be a parent, but as a Christian, you are God's child. I'm sure He's cleaned up some messes after you as well.

That's what so awesome about His love, grace, and mercy.

Romans 5:8 says, "But God demonstrates His love for us in this: while we were still sinners Christ died for us."

Our messy lives of living in the world is the biggest mess God cleaned up for us. But even after becoming a Christ follower, and living for God, we mess up. It's our human nature. It happens.

What does God do?  He forgives. As many times as it takes. He cleans us and cleans up after us because He loves us that much. 

1 John 1:9 says, "If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness."

If it's the same continual issue, I believe God does forgive, but He wants us to repent and turn from those things. So sometimes, it's the same mess, other times, it's new messes. Nevertheless, He loves us anyway.

Just like I love my son anyway. He's about to be 18, and there will come a time when he's not here for me to clean up after him. 

The good news is God never leaves us, never stops loving us, and never stops cleaning up our messes! He's a Father that is faithful and true! 

Have you seen how God has cleaned up messes in your life? 

If you are in a mess right now, please know that He wants to help you. He's there. Just ask Him for help.

God bless you today and always.

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